Sunday, 30 June 2013

On My Stereo

Matt Redman - Fires

I think after last month's On My Stereo I've already established that I am a massive Matt Redman fan. Every month I get obsessed over a different song of his, and this month it's Fires. This song caught my attention immediately with its foot-stamping riff, which is especially powerful on the live version on 10,000 Reasons, which has the crowd clapping along. The general feel of the song is a hopeful one, a reminder of God's power in that He can "move the highest mountain" and "keep our dreams alive"; it's also incredibly inspiring - I've already 'stolen' a line from the verses ("holding onto light") as the name of an upcoming fanfiction. Yet one of the most interesting things about the song is its use of the concept of fire. God is described as the "fire in our eyes", a spark within us that gives us vibrancy. But the song also says that "God keeps our fires burning"; that He is the force that keeps us alive. Overall it's a very energetic song, one that you can dance to and stamp your feet along to.

Sam Bailey - Guardian (Live @ Soul Survivor 2012)

In contrast to Fires, Guardian is not a foot-stamping song that you want to dance to. Instead, it's almost guitar-ballady in its slower beat. Nevertheless, the song is no less confident in its image of a protector God, one who "go[es] before [us]" and is there as our guardian. One of the reasons that this song is so powerful lyrically is that it takes most of its lyrics from the Bible. Lines are taken from throughout both the Old and New Testaments, seamlessly knitted together and even made to rhyme; you can find lines from Psalms, 2 Corinthians, and even the Lord's Prayer. The chorus in particular is remarkably uplifting; a chorus that you can't necessarily move about to, but that you can definitely sing at the top of your voice - especially by the final time round when the changed beat of the bridge propels the song into a more energetic experience. Yet it makes no assumptions; the lyrics ask for God's help before declaring that He is our guardian, protecting us always. The image of a God who is always ahead of us is one that is comforting, and particularly hopeful.

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